Saturday, December 31, 2011

Before the countdown starts...

Close your eyes, look deep inside of you and make a wish...

If doesn't matter how crazy it could seem ...
What seems impossible today, may be possible tomorrow...
The only thing you need to do, it's to leave your prejudices outside...

...and keep on dreaming!!

Happy New Year!! Godt Nytår!! Feliz 2012!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Finding the true love in Århus

Some people believe that it's possible to find the recipe of love in a book

I don't think so, but I'm sure that could be helpful to follow some guidelines

To start, you need to look outside...

...and follow your heart...

...even if you are not sure of the final destination

Never surrender, be constant and follow it all the way through the narrow streets...

Don't be afraid, cause even in the darkest night, millions of stars will light your way...

...and they will guide your steps...

You may find some blind alleys in this travel...

...but then you have to remember that there is always a way out...

...and next time, you will know which way to follow

Friday, December 2, 2011

Aarhusian Christmas nights...

The sun doesn't work too much these days...

...the night gets longer and the moon takes over the task of lighting the city...

While some people feel even more confortable moving in the dark...

...with slow and quiet movements like a cat...

...others need to decorate the house with thousands of lights to feel protected and safe...

Darkness or light, whatever you prefer, the important is never to lose contact with your guide star..